Recreational Riding
OPHC Sponsored Trail Rides
May 31-June 2, 2024
Alum Creek State Park
5283 Howard Rd. Delaware, Ohio
RSVP online at
October 11-13, 2024
Mohican State Forest
St. Route 97, Loudonville, Ohio
RSVP thru Elaine Bennett on FB messenger

All breeds of horses are welcome to the trail ride!
Potluck suppers on Friday and Saturday at 6:30 P.M.
Bring a side dish… Meat provided by OPHC
We will ride out at 9:30 A.M. and 2:30 P.M. or ride on your own.
All Ride Ohio hours will be doubled if enrolled in the Ride Ohio Program.
For more information, text Elaine Bennett at 419-704-1854
Ride Ohio
Do you trail ride with your American Paint Horse? Come join us AND get recognized for it! The Ride Ohio Program awards OPHC members who trail ride or drive with their APHA horses.
Complete and submit our Ride Ohio Registration Form to register for the program. You will then receive your log book to track your time in the saddle. For your time to count towards year end awards, you must also be an OPHC member.
Ride Ohio Registration: Online
Ride Ohio Registration: PDF
Become an OPHC Member
Please contact the Ride Ohio Chairperson for more information or with any questions about the Ride Ohio program:
Elaine Bennett
2330 Emerson Rd.
Bloomdale, Oh. 44817
OPHC Ride Ohio
Rules and Requirements
1. To enroll in Ride Ohio, you must be a member of the Ohio Paint Horse Club. Then you must pre-register with the OPHC Ride Ohio Chairperson. You must maintain your membership in OPHC while achieving hours under the program.
2. You must ride or drive in a cart on a Registered American Paint Horse Association (APHA) horse which may be either Breeding Stock or Regular Registry. You do not have to own the Paint Horse.
3. You may ride more than one American Paint Horse, but you must attain a separate time log. You may accumulate hours in the Ride Ohio program at the same time you accumulate hours in APHA’s PAC Recreational Riding program.
4. You must keep an accurate record of the time (one hour for each hour actually spent riding or driving a cart) in your official Ride Ohio time log. All time logged is a one horse-one rider basis and on the honor system. Your hours may carry over into subsequent years as long as you are an OPHC member.
5. The Ride Ohio program offers bonus hours to members who log time in a metropolitan, state or national trail (as recognized by a city, the State of Ohio, or U.S. National Parks) For every hour you spend riding in a Metropolitan, State, or National Park, you may earn double hours. In other words, if you spend one hour riding or driving a cart in any of the above parks, you may log two hours for your time. Please state the park on your log
6. You may record time for an activity you participate in, that is not in an arena, like riding, driving a cart, leisure riding, or parade group.
7. OPHC will recognize your riding or driving achievements at 100, 500, 1000, and each 500 hours after those awards are earned. You will be recognized at the annual Awards Banquet, on social media, and on our website.